Why I Created Soul Health Essentials

Because I’m dedicated to helping you understand and achieve Soul Health, it only made sense that I offer additional tools to assist you on your path to radiant living. My Soul Health Model™ offers a blueprint for creating an optimal life, teaching you to “clean out” what isn’t serving you, while “filling up” with what will nourish your soul at a deep level. Because discomfort always accompanies evolution, Soul Health Essentials “Oils of Evolution” provide a unique and integrated “toolbox” that assists in not only balancing the “branches” of the human condition but also in helping you evolve as a soul.
This human thing is not easy. Having been named the “Pioneer of Soul Health” after the publication of my book, Soul Health: Aligning with Spirit for Radiant Living, I can now offer you additional daily tools to assist you on your path to radiant health.
“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.” ~ Margaret Fuller
I invite you to light your candle on the knowledge that is evolving within me about the incredible power of therapeutic oils. Together, we will create an optimal life that allows you to thrive both as a human and a soul.