
What could be better than Ascension Evolution Oils?
Lava bead bracelets with precious gemstones to match the intention of the essential oil blend!

Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Choose your stone & lava bead bracelet below and boost the blend!

  • Obsidian & Lava Beads

    Obsidian is one of the most powerful stones to protect from psychic attacks and negative energy. When wearing it, you feel instantly shielded from strong and unwanted forces, purifying your aura. It is a highly spiritual stone that carries great metaphysical powers. It is used as a protection from evil as well as a tool to help you connect to your higher self. The Obsidian & Lava Bead Bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Empath's Armor oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Empath's Armor (Click to View)  
  • Sodalite & Lava Beads

    Sodalite deepens your evolutionary journey. It helps you detach from the worries of the human condition while helping you see the world with “3-D” eyes—from a higher and more serene perspective. It helps to clear the mind, calm the stirrings of the soul, reveal truth, and offer deep and sacred wisdom. The Sodalite & Lava Bead Bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Divine Wisdom oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Divine Wisdom (Click to View)
  • Amethyst & Lava Beads

    Amethyst has always been known as the stone of protection, purification, and connection with spirit. It helps cleanse one’s energy field to allow a clean and clear connection to source by stimulating the crown chakra. It is the perfect stone for those who are committed to their conscious evolution. The Amethyst & Lava Bead Bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Ascension oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Ascension Blend  (Click to View)
  • Citrine & Lava Beads

    Citrine is one of the strongest gems for manifesting abundance, money, and all things desired. Its golden energy promotes happiness, creativity, and power while helping you harness your ability to draw the things to you that assist in your soul’s evolution. The Citrine & Lava Bead Bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Manifesting Magic oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Manifesting Magic (Click to View)
  • Rose Quartz & Lava Beads

    Rose Quartz has long been known as the stone of love. Because the Love My Soul oil is designed to boost self-love, this is the perfect gem to infuse soft and compassionate energy while learning to nurture, comfort, and heal your tender and wounded heart. The Rose Quartz & Lava Bead Bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Love My Soul oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Love My Soul (Click to View)
  • Blue Lace Agate gives you an emotional “facelift”, helping you return to your natural state of joy by soothing and calming your soul. This stone helps you heal by opening up your energy channels to instill unconditional self-love, easing your experience of the human condition. The Blue Lace Agate & Lava Bead Bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Soul Soother oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Soul Soother (Click to View)
  • Black Tourmaline is one of the “rockstars” of protection, helping you clear and calm your energy while building boundaries between yourself, situations, thoughts, and others who hold negative forces. This stone helps you make space for calmness, clarity, and centeredness by facilitating the release of unwanted karmic residue. The Black Tourmaline & Lava Bead Bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Karma Klear oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Karma Klear (Click to View)
  • Rhodonite & Lava Beads

    Rhodonite helps you to align with your heart's desires while also assisting you to reach your highest potential. It is a stone of compassion that balancing emotions and provides naturally grounding energy. The Rhodonite & Lava Bead bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Dharma Dew oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Dharma Dew (Click to View)
  • Tree Agate & Lava Beads

    Tree Agate is a stone of inner peace, assisting you in gaining physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual strength. It boosts stamina to handle everything that is occurring on your evolutionary path. The Tree Agate & Lava Bead Bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Evolve Ease oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Evolve Ease (Click to View)  
  • Sunstone & Lava Beads

    Sunstone carries the revitalizing energy of the sun and helps you to bring light back into your life so you can shine your way to your highest good. This stone helps you return life to the beautiful being that you are—it helps you shine right down to your soul. It reestablishes love for life, facilitating empowerment, independence, and vitality. The Sunstone & Lava Bead Bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Radiance oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Radiance (Click to View)
  • Prehnite & Lava Beads

    Prehnite is a stone of awakening, helping you focus and enhance your efforts to seek wisdom, light your path to understanding, and guide your journey to enlightenment. It also helps to balance the energies of the heart, strongly linked to the spiritual-awakening process. The Prehnite & Lava Beads Bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Awake My Soul oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Awake My Soul (Click to View)
  • Smoky Quartz & Lava Beads

    Smoky Quartz is a powerful grounding stone that is often used in healing and meditation practices. One of the fundamental grounding stones, it is known to naturally dissipate negative energy, while promoting deep peace and balance. The Smoky Quartz & Lava Bead Bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Soul Centered oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Soul Centered (Click to View)
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