
Grief is a necessary part of life—an unavoidable challenge in the human condition. While many experience grief as they lose loved ones—people and animals included—many also have similar reactions as they adjust to other major life events. The Grief/Hospice line of Soul Health Essentials is designed to assist you in better managing the ebb and flow of everyday life as you move on from any kind of loss.

  • Faith Finder Blend

    It’s not unusual to get mad at God or lose faith during difficult times. To help you reconnect, explore, and rediscover your connection with Source, Faith Finder allows you to ease into a new and more expansive meaning of why things happen in the grand scheme of life. Faith Finder was designed specifically to assist in soothing your soul while facilitating the development of a more satisfying relationship with yourself and Source—whatever that might mean to you.
    • Seek
    • Discover
    • Restore
  • Caregivers often give their all while losing themselves in the process of helping others. This blend, Caregiver’s Comfort, helps to calm, support, and uplift you throughout your caregiving journey—both during and after the loss of a loved one. While caregivers are not always good at caring for themselves, Caregiver’s Comfort lessens the effort in restoring you to your true and healthy self.
    • Calm
    • Support
    • Uplift
  • Realign & Renew Blend

    Letting go is hard to do, but it is a necessary part of realigning your life after loss. Realign & Renew will allow you to let go, restore, and rebalance your life while boosting both your mood and your energy to get you back on the go. Realign & Renew will get you back to a stronger and better You!
    • Let-Go
    • Restore
    • Rebalance
  • Resolution Solution Blend

    Grief can leave us with mixed emotions, especially when the relationship you shared with the one you lost was complicated. Resolution Solution helps you sort out your feelings while resolving and releasing the pain which might hinder your healing process. Unfinished business can delay a healthy grief process. Resolution Solution assists you in making peace with the many tangled challenges of the human condition.
    • Understand
    • Resolve
    • Release
  • Despair Repair Blend

    Suddenor tragic loss leaves us in shock and disbelief. Despair Repair is specifically designed to assist in healing from the grief that has jolted you at the core. Despair Repair will soothe the soul while facilitating healing during your grief process.
    • Nurture
    • Rebalance
    • Resolve
  • Grief Relief Blend

    Most people need to feel soothed and comforted as they heal from loss. Grief Relief elevates both your energy and mood as you navigate the many layers of sorrow that come with losing someone or something that you hold near and dear. We experience many forms of loss throughout life and Grief Relief can assist you as you adjust to any major life event.
    • Soothe
    • Comfort
    • Heal
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