• Stress Ease Blend

    Can’t manage your mojo? Let Stress Ease bring you back into alignment as it helps you release worry, restore confidence in moving forward, and rebalance your ability to beat the most stressful of situations.
  • Resolution Solution Blend

    Grief can leave us with mixed emotions, especially when the relationship you shared with the one you lost was complicated. Resolution Solution helps you sort out your feelings while resolving and releasing the pain which might hinder your healing process. Unfinished business can delay a healthy grief process. Resolution Solution assists you in making peace with the many tangled challenges of the human condition.
    • Understand
    • Resolve
    • Release
  • Grudge Buster Blend

    Forgive and forget is easier said than done. Grudge Buster is a soothing blend that assists in resolving unfinished business so you can release resentment and move on.
  • Harmonious Home Blend

    Home sweet home is only sweet and homey when it is calm and balanced.
  • Financial Fears Blend

    Fear of money comes in all shapes and forms, whether worried about not having enough or not knowing what to do with what you would consider being too much. The Financial Fears blend promotes comfort and helps you to feel grounded while you release unwanted thoughts.
    • GROUND
  • Prosperity Promoter Blend

    Prosperity Promoter helps you envision the wealth you would like in your life, create a plan to receive it, and claim what you deserve.
    • CREATE
    • CLAIM
  • Leisure Easer Blend

    Have a hard time enjoying fun and leisure? Recreational health requires us to let our guard down enough to restore. Leisure Easer helps you to release stress, regroup and relax so you can create more balance in your life.
    • RELAX
  • Do your neck and shoulders need a mid-day massage? Are headaches a common issue? Years ago, I discovered the magic of a few key oils that help to reduce muscle tension and pain with only a few small drops. The Muscle Magic blend knocks out tension before it knocks you out of your daytime routine, allowing you to go on with your life regardless of the stress and tension that comes with the human condition. This oil can be applied directly to your neck and shoulders—or any other tension-based muscle so it can do its magic in releasing unwanted stress. This blend will cool your muscles, help you release tension, and get you back to a more relaxed you.
    • COOL
    • RELAX
  • Toxicity Tamer helps to remove the “ick” from the human condition.
    • RENEW
  • Patient Presence Blends

    Patient Presence is something every educator needs, assisting in the ability to pause, release, and re-center yourself even in the most challenging situations. Endless circumstances within the educational world call for both patience and presence and this calming and soothing blend provides both.
    • Pause
    • Release
    • Re-Center
  • Church Hurt Blend

    Many are hurt or traumatized by their experiences related to church and religion, which can seriously alter your overall spiritual health. Church Hurt helps you to release the pain and find forgiveness so you can go on to develop a healthier relationship with Spirit.
    • HEAL
  • Inner Peace Blend

    Everyone wants more peace in their lives. Inner Peace was blended to help you relax, instill a sense of calm and help you breathe in a more contented way.
    • RELAX
    • CALM
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