  • Soul Centered Blend

    Soul Centered is my “signature” Soul Health Essentials oil, designed specifically to facilitate your conscious evolution. This blend of 100% pure essential oils assists in helping you to become more centered, “grounded”, focused, and relaxed so you can better align your life for radiant living. Soul Centered will not only ground and focus you, it will also relax and balance you for an easier soul health journey.
    • GROUND
    • FOCUS
    • RELAX
    Corresponding Bracelet: Smokey Quartz & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)  
  • Sex Ease Blend

    Sex can be stressful for many people due to shyness, anxiety, trauma, relationship issues, and many other concerns. Sex Ease was blended to ease you into sexual intimacy so you can overcome the stress you’ve associated with this important branch of health.
    • CALM
    • ENJOY
  • Bug Zen Blend

    The only thing worse than pesky bugs is the worry about using unnecessary chemicals to chase them away. Get your “zen” back with Bug Zen, this 100% natural insect repellent so you can spend time outdoors in peace.
    • REPEL
    • RELAX
  • Realign & Renew Blend

    Letting go is hard to do, but it is a necessary part of realigning your life after loss. Realign & Renew will allow you to let go, restore, and rebalance your life while boosting both your mood and your energy to get you back on the go. Realign & Renew will get you back to a stronger and better You!
    • Let-Go
    • Restore
    • Rebalance
  • Release Yoga Focus Blend

    Mindful practices encourage us to release old thoughts, patterns, and beliefs so we can reach heightened levels of awareness. This blend helps you release what no longer serves you, renew your mind, body, and soul, and align your life for radiant living.
    • LOOSEN
    • LET GO
    • LET BE
  • Karma Klear Blend

    Do you need to shed your “karmic residue”—release old patterns, beliefs, behaviors, and energies? If so, this blend will help you say goodbye to whatever no longer serves you, renew your outlook and energy, and restore your soul for optimal living. To evolve into something new, we must evolve beyond that which no longer serves us. Our evolution requires us to “make room” for what we want to create and invite into our lives, and Karma Klear will clear the way for our infinite growth.
    • RENEW
    Corresponding Bracelet: Black Tourmaline & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)
  • Does the wily planet get you down? Slay the celestial beast with this specially formulated blend, specifically designed to help manage sensitivity to this planetary event. While the effects of Mercury Retrograde push us to evolve beyond thoughts, patterns, and behaviors that no longer serve us, this time can leave us feeling uneasy, unsettled, and unbalanced.
    • SOOTHE
  • Sacred Space Blend

    Sacred Space helps you to create an environment that feels centered, grounded, and blessed.
    • CENTER
    • GROUND
    • BLESS
  • Dharma Dew Blend

    Are you struggling to find your purpose in life? Dharma Dew is specially formulated to help you increase insight, identify and define your life’s mission, and find your divine truth so you can serve the world in the way that best suits your soul. Oils in this blend also help you to overcome any blocks to moving forward in your sacred path.
    • TRUTH
    Corresponding Bracelet: Rhodonite & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)
  • Divine Wisdom Blend

    Our path to evolution requires us to connect with both our inner ally and the wisdom provided by source. Divine Wisdom heightens your awareness, instills insight, and promotes your ultimate evolution by assisting you in accessing the sacred knowledge necessary to create your most optimal life. As you align your soul with inspiring information, our evolutionary path is paved with golden light. If you seek your ultimate truth, purpose, and path, Divine Wisdom may be the tool you need to align your life for radiant living.
    • TRUTH
    Corresponding Bracelet: Sodalite & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)
  • Radiance Blend

    Our ability to find our truth and keep it is one of the biggest challenges of the human condition since so much exists to misalign us from our sacred path. Radiance was created to assist you in discovering the essence of who you are while providing you with the support to allow your true self to fully shine! Radiance aligns you with your inner ally through its energizing and activating qualities, while helping your soul shine in all aspects of life. Soul health requires us to know ourselves at the deepest level while allowing ourselves to align our lives for our highest good. This oil assists you in that evolutionary process.
    • SHINE
    Corresponding Bracelet: Sunstone & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)
  • No need for a wand! Wisdom Wizard will get you on your sacred path.
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