  • Caregivers often give their all while losing themselves in the process of helping others. This blend, Caregiver’s Comfort, helps to calm, support, and uplift you throughout your caregiving journey—both during and after the loss of a loved one. While caregivers are not always good at caring for themselves, Caregiver’s Comfort lessens the effort in restoring you to your true and healthy self.
    • Calm
    • Support
    • Uplift
  • Educator Ease Blends

    Educators are expected to hold it all together while they help others to thrive. Educator Ease is designed to provide support and strength to those who teach so they can continue to do the work they love with ease, grace, and increased satisfaction.
    • Relax
    • Boost
    • Align
  • Educators are pressured to produce positive outcomes in their students, institutions, and field every day, whether it be through high test scores, collegial respect, or contributions to their specialty at large. Productive Perseverance promotes concentration and motivation so you can complete your tasks with ease, leaving you more satisfied with why you chose to teach others in the first place.
    • Concentrate
    • Motivate
    • Complete
  • Patient Presence Blends

    Patient Presence is something every educator needs, assisting in the ability to pause, release, and re-center yourself even in the most challenging situations. Endless circumstances within the educational world call for both patience and presence and this calming and soothing blend provides both.
    • Pause
    • Release
    • Re-Center
  • Bowls are “wheel-thrown” for a smooth and sleek finish and hold approximately 25-30 diffuser seeds. *All bowls include a hand-painted or dipped earth-tone glaze so colors and glazes will vary when ordering. Also, due to the individual nature of each bowl, sizes may vary from approximately 3 to 4.5 inches in diameter.
  • Restore Yoga Focus Blend

    Yoga and meditation are restorative for the mind, body, and soul. Restore was created specifically to help you relax, unwind, and uplift you on your evolutionary path.
    • RELAX
    • UNWIND
    • UPLIFT
  • Presence Yoga Focus Blend

    A very grounding and focusing blend, Presence, helps you center your breath, increase focus and intentionality, and turn inward to reflect.
    • FOCUS
  • Ascension Blend

    Do you want to sharpen your intuition? Feel more connected with source? Access and embrace sacred truth? The Ascension blend helps you reach new heights in your spiritual and soul development. This oil was designed to “tune” your inner ally into source energy while opening your awareness to all dimensions of sacred truth. Meditating with this blend will enhance your connection with both soul and source as your awareness ascends the path to evolution.
    Corresponding Bracelet: Amethyst & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)
  • Ease your path with Divine Direction.
  • Get in your Zen Zone for more peace and serenity. This blend will leave you feeling divinely calmed and contented.
    • SOOTHE
    • RELAX
  • Toxicity Tamer helps to remove the “ick” from the human condition.
    • RENEW
  • Improve your relationship with self and others with Love Lift.
  • Higher Self offers the best of the stone and oil worlds to take you to new heights and will lead you to the next step of your soul’s evolution.
    • OPEN
    • ALIGN
    • ASCEND
  • Mind Massage Blend

    Have an overactive or overworked brain? Mind Massage helps to work out the mental knots, while quieting and calming the busy nature of the “monkey mind”.
    • QUITE
    • CALM
  • Stress Less Blend

    Healthcare providers know the meaning of stress – demands on time, the pressure to produce, and unpredictability of the job. Stress Less brings you back into alignment so you can get back to doing what you love.
    • CALM
  • Do your neck and shoulders need a mid-day massage? Are headaches a common issue? Years ago, I discovered the magic of a few key oils that help to reduce muscle tension and pain with only a few small drops. The Muscle Magic blend knocks out tension before it knocks you out of your daytime routine, allowing you to go on with your life regardless of the stress and tension that comes with the human condition. This oil can be applied directly to your neck and shoulders—or any other tension-based muscle so it can do its magic in releasing unwanted stress. This blend will cool your muscles, help you release tension, and get you back to a more relaxed you.
    • COOL
    • RELAX
  • Ceramic “Soul Seeds” provide a unique and soulful way to diffuse your oils and blends. Simply add a few drops of your favorite Soul Health Essentials 100% oil to the Ceramic “Soul Seeds” and enjoy! Refresh when needed. SEEDS ONLY
  • Smoky Quartz & Lava Beads

    Smoky Quartz is a powerful grounding stone that is often used in healing and meditation practices. One of the fundamental grounding stones, it is known to naturally dissipate negative energy, while promoting deep peace and balance. The Smoky Quartz & Lava Bead Bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Soul Centered oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Soul Centered (Click to View)
  • Prehnite & Lava Beads

    Prehnite is a stone of awakening, helping you focus and enhance your efforts to seek wisdom, light your path to understanding, and guide your journey to enlightenment. It also helps to balance the energies of the heart, strongly linked to the spiritual-awakening process. The Prehnite & Lava Beads Bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Awake My Soul oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Awake My Soul (Click to View)
  • Sunstone & Lava Beads

    Sunstone carries the revitalizing energy of the sun and helps you to bring light back into your life so you can shine your way to your highest good. This stone helps you return life to the beautiful being that you are—it helps you shine right down to your soul. It reestablishes love for life, facilitating empowerment, independence, and vitality. The Sunstone & Lava Bead Bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Radiance oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Radiance (Click to View)
  • Burnout Buster Blend


    Don’t give a hoot? Burnout Buster will restore your workplace mojo and put you back at the top of your game. Designed to release stress, restore your energy, and refocus your goals, this blend realigns you so you can return to a more motivated and invested “you”.

  • Creativity Booster Blend


    Creative thinking is a must in the world of work. Creativity Booster will help you open your cranial gates to enhance your imagination, inspire your aspirations, and assist you in initiating your newfound innovations. Boldly blended, this tool will be sure to get your resourceful juices flowing.

  • Grab Bags

    Ascension Evolution Oil Blends are designed to assist you in both overcoming the challenges of the human condition and in enhancing your soul’s evolution. As we work in tandem with both, we create and experience our most radiant life. Click here to view blend descriptions for all the Ascension Evolution Blends
  • Restore & Renew Blend

    Life balance includes intentional steps toward restoration and renewal, but this can be difficult to allow into your life. Restore & Renew lightens and brightens life.
    • RELAX
    • ALIGN
    • UPLIFT
  • Leisure Easer Blend

    Have a hard time enjoying fun and leisure? Recreational health requires us to let our guard down enough to restore. Leisure Easer helps you to release stress, regroup and relax so you can create more balance in your life.
    • RELAX
  • Joy Juice Blend

    Recreational health is all about your ability to experience joy. Joy Juice was created to help you learn to welcome delight and pleasure into your life.
    • CHEER
    • ELATE
  • Vacay Every Day Blend

    While you can’t experience a vacation every day, you can experience a daily mental escape with this blend. Vacay Every Day allows you to let your mind run away, while you realign and renew your life despite staying at home.
    • ESCAPE
    • RENEW
  • Soul Smudge Blend

    Sometimes we need assistance in shedding past issues and unhealthy ties. Let Soul Smudge help you “release.”
    • CLEAR
    • RENEW
  • Rumors of Romance Blend

    Want more romance in your life? Want to attract a mate? Rumors of Romance was created to help bring more romance into your life by “wooing”, enticing, and enchanting a beloved other.
    • WOO
    • ENTICE
  • Libido Lift Blend

    Many things affect a person’s interest in sexual activity. Libido Lift enhances interest, increases involvement, and promotes emotional excitement so you can experience a richer intimate life.
    • EXCITE
  • Spend Less Blend

    “Binge buying” or impulse spending can be an issue when we aren’t feeling grounded. Spend Less was created to help you pause before making unnecessary purchases, keep you focused on your budget, and realign your thoughts to get you back on track.
    • PAUSE
    • FOCUS
    • ALIGN
  • Prosperity Promoter Blend

    Prosperity Promoter helps you envision the wealth you would like in your life, create a plan to receive it, and claim what you deserve.
    • CREATE
    • CLAIM
  • Financial Fears Blend

    Fear of money comes in all shapes and forms, whether worried about not having enough or not knowing what to do with what you would consider being too much. The Financial Fears blend promotes comfort and helps you to feel grounded while you release unwanted thoughts.
    • GROUND
  • Tension Tamer Blend

    Tension Tamer assists in calming, composing, and rebalancing a space to help decrease and resolve discord.
    • CALM
  • Zen Den Blend

    Would you like a more relaxed and calm environment?
    • QUIET
    • UNWIND
  • Harmonious Home Blend

    Home sweet home is only sweet and homey when it is calm and balanced.
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