  • Resolution Solution Blend

    Grief can leave us with mixed emotions, especially when the relationship you shared with the one you lost was complicated. Resolution Solution helps you sort out your feelings while resolving and releasing the pain which might hinder your healing process. Unfinished business can delay a healthy grief process. Resolution Solution assists you in making peace with the many tangled challenges of the human condition.
    • Understand
    • Resolve
    • Release
  • Despair Repair Blend

    Suddenor tragic loss leaves us in shock and disbelief. Despair Repair is specifically designed to assist in healing from the grief that has jolted you at the core. Despair Repair will soothe the soul while facilitating healing during your grief process.
    • Nurture
    • Rebalance
    • Resolve
  • Grief Relief Blend

    Most people need to feel soothed and comforted as they heal from loss. Grief Relief elevates both your energy and mood as you navigate the many layers of sorrow that come with losing someone or something that you hold near and dear. We experience many forms of loss throughout life and Grief Relief can assist you as you adjust to any major life event.
    • Soothe
    • Comfort
    • Heal
  • Focus Finder Blends

    One of most important “ingredients” in school success is the ability to focus. Focus Finder has been specifically blended to assist in keeping your mind on task so you can enjoy assignments from start to finish. This stimulating blend allows you to center yourself, align your thoughts and actions and refocus your mind to complete even the most complicated projects.
    • Center
    • Align
    • Refocus
  • Student Soother Blends

    Various aspects of the education world can leave you feeling frazzled and frayed. Student Soother helps both the educator and student feel calmer and more at ease as you navigate the day.
    • Soothe
    • Comfort
    • Calm
  • Educator Ease Blends

    Educators are expected to hold it all together while they help others to thrive. Educator Ease is designed to provide support and strength to those who teach so they can continue to do the work they love with ease, grace, and increased satisfaction.
    • Relax
    • Boost
    • Align
  • Educators are pressured to produce positive outcomes in their students, institutions, and field every day, whether it be through high test scores, collegial respect, or contributions to their specialty at large. Productive Perseverance promotes concentration and motivation so you can complete your tasks with ease, leaving you more satisfied with why you chose to teach others in the first place.
    • Concentrate
    • Motivate
    • Complete
  • Meeting Magic Blends

    Meetings can be difficult for everyone and educators often spend just as much time in these activities as they do teaching others. Meeting Magic helps to sharpen focus, keep you alert and awake during extended meetings and conferences and inspire both your creativity and drive to take what you learn and put it into action.
    • Focus
    • Awaken
    • Inspire
  • Patient Presence Blends

    Patient Presence is something every educator needs, assisting in the ability to pause, release, and re-center yourself even in the most challenging situations. Endless circumstances within the educational world call for both patience and presence and this calming and soothing blend provides both.
    • Pause
    • Release
    • Re-Center
  • Restore Yoga Focus Blend

    Yoga and meditation are restorative for the mind, body, and soul. Restore was created specifically to help you relax, unwind, and uplift you on your evolutionary path.
    • RELAX
    • UNWIND
    • UPLIFT
  • Release Yoga Focus Blend

    Mindful practices encourage us to release old thoughts, patterns, and beliefs so we can reach heightened levels of awareness. This blend helps you release what no longer serves you, renew your mind, body, and soul, and align your life for radiant living.
    • LOOSEN
    • LET GO
    • LET BE
  • Grounded Yoga Focus Blend

    Feeling grounded is center of a mindful practice. It is also essential for our soul’s evolution. This blend helps you to become more centered, grounded, balanced, and aligned through specifically chosen essential oils.
    • CENTER
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