  • Fear Fader Blend

    Fear Fader was created to help ease the nervous jitters while helping you feel more grounded, calmer, and more composed.
    • GROUND
    • CALM
  • Worry Buster Blend

    Worry can wear us down. Worry Buster helps you to pause, relax and release worrisome thoughts.
    • PAUSE
    • RELAX
  • Lonely Lift Blend

    Humans are meant to be with other humans, but at times we may find ourselves on our own. Lonely Lift was created to comfort and soothe any wounds or sadness while uplifting you as you heal and cope.
    • SOOTHE
    • UPLIFT
  • Mended Heart Blend

    There is nothing worse than a broken heart and sometimes we need extra support to help us mend. Mended Heart is a soothing blend is designed to help you heal and restore yourself to allow love back into life.
    • SOOTHE
    • HEAL
  • Love Magnet Blend

    Souls come together at just the right time and place, but Love Magnet can help you open to finding a mate who matches your current path.
  • Friendship Finder Blend

    Everyone wants to find their soul sisters or brothers, but often feel uncertain where to look. Friendship Finder was designed to help you open to finding others, invite them into your life and connect in a warm and wonderful way.
    • OPEN
    • INVITE
  • Grudge Buster Blend

    Forgive and forget is easier said than done. Grudge Buster is a soothing blend that assists in resolving unfinished business so you can release resentment and move on.
  • Drama Stopper Blend

    Drama Stopper helps you feel calm, cool, and collected when unnecessary emotions are running high and reactions running amok.
    • CALM
    • COOL
  • Boundary Boost Blend

    Drawing a line in the sand can be tough. Boundary Boost includes several oils to help you pause to think things through, ground you as you prepare to speak, and assert yourself when ready.
    • PAUSE
    • GROUND
    • ASSERT
  • Speak Ease Blend

    Speaking your truth is an acquired skill. This blend, Speak Ease, helps you breathe your way through difficult interactions, center yourself to use your voice and express your words in a confident and clear way.
    • CENTER
  • Confident Companion Blend

    Do need a Confident Companion? This blend helps to ground you, increase focus while interacting with others and assure you when you don’t feel strong.
    • GROUND
    • FOCUS
    • ASSURE
  • Memory Magic Blend

    Are you drawing a mental blank? Boost your ability to reflect in the moment, refocus your thoughts and restore your concentration with Memory Magic.
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