  • Fatigue Fighter Blend

    Energy low? Fatigue Fighter is the perfect tool to awaken and energize you and add “ease” to your workday. This “shift lift” can be used when you hit the mid-day dip and it can keep you engaged when working long hours or dealing with tedious projects.
    • AWAKEN
  • Faith Finder Blend

    It’s not unusual to get mad at God or lose faith during difficult times. To help you reconnect, explore, and rediscover your connection with Source, Faith Finder allows you to ease into a new and more expansive meaning of why things happen in the grand scheme of life. Faith Finder was designed specifically to assist in soothing your soul while facilitating the development of a more satisfying relationship with yourself and Source—whatever that might mean to you.
    • Seek
    • Discover
    • Restore
  • Evolve Ease Blend

    Are you undergoing transition, change, or grief? Evolve Ease was created to “ease” your soul as it transforms and evolves through the many challenges of the human condition. This blend holds comforting and uplifting qualities that assist you in realigning your life as you overcome life’s trials and tribulations—whether chosen or unexpected. Your personal growth is both inevitable and infinite. Evolve Ease with help to “ease” you on your evolutionary journey.
    • UPLIFT
    • ALIGN
    Corresponding Bracelet: Tree Agate & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)
  • Enlightened Enrichment assists you on your path shining brightly to help you be your best you.
    • EXPAND
  • Energ-Ease Blend

    Everyone needs a little energy boost at times and Energ-Ease offers the gentle lift you need to get you through the day.
    • BOOST
    • UPLIFT
  • Empowered Evolution helps you grow with ease and awareness.
    • EMERGE
  • Empath’s Armor Blend

    Are you a “sensitive soul” who feels exhausted and overwhelmed by other people’s energy? Do you absorb their stress and despair? If so, you’re not alone. Empath’s Armor was created to shield and protect you from energetic residue that attaches after spending time in the presence of others. This protective blend is helpful for those who work and live among those who rely on you to carry their karmic baggage. Unwanted “soul static” can bog you down and misalign your path to evolution, but this oil frees you and realigns your life for optimal living. Empath’s Armor allows you to release undesirable energy and surround yourself with your own radiant light.
    • SHIELD
    Corresponding Bracelet: Obsidian & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)
  • Educator Ease Blends

    Educators are expected to hold it all together while they help others to thrive. Educator Ease is designed to provide support and strength to those who teach so they can continue to do the work they love with ease, grace, and increased satisfaction.
    • Relax
    • Boost
    • Align
  • Drama Stopper Blend

    Drama Stopper helps you feel calm, cool, and collected when unnecessary emotions are running high and reactions running amok.
    • CALM
    • COOL
  • Divine Wisdom Blend

    Our path to evolution requires us to connect with both our inner ally and the wisdom provided by source. Divine Wisdom heightens your awareness, instills insight, and promotes your ultimate evolution by assisting you in accessing the sacred knowledge necessary to create your most optimal life. As you align your soul with inspiring information, our evolutionary path is paved with golden light. If you seek your ultimate truth, purpose, and path, Divine Wisdom may be the tool you need to align your life for radiant living.
    • TRUTH
    Corresponding Bracelet: Sodalite & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)
  • Ease your path with Divine Direction.
  • Dharma’s Destiny helps you access your sacred purpose. This blend opens your heart, mind, and soul to discover your perfect path.
    • ACTION
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