  • Tension Tamer Blend

    Tension Tamer assists in calming, composing, and rebalancing a space to help decrease and resolve discord.
    • CALM
  • The Teacher/Educator blends are designed for professionals in teaching roles to live a more balanced and radiant life, helping you to manage and soothe the unique challenges of the educator’s soul and share the wisdom you have to give. Click here to view blend descriptions for all the Teacher/Educator Blends
  • Sunstone & Lava Beads

    Sunstone carries the revitalizing energy of the sun and helps you to bring light back into your life so you can shine your way to your highest good. This stone helps you return life to the beautiful being that you are—it helps you shine right down to your soul. It reestablishes love for life, facilitating empowerment, independence, and vitality. The Sunstone & Lava Bead Bracelet was designed to match the intention of the Radiance oil blend! Lava beads naturally absorb essential oils and allow you to enjoy the power of aromatherapy throughout the day. Recommended oil: Radiance (Click to View)
  • Student Soother Blends

    Various aspects of the education world can leave you feeling frazzled and frayed. Student Soother helps both the educator and student feel calmer and more at ease as you navigate the day.
    • Soothe
    • Comfort
    • Calm
  • Stress Less Blend

    Healthcare providers know the meaning of stress – demands on time, the pressure to produce, and unpredictability of the job. Stress Less brings you back into alignment so you can get back to doing what you love.
    • CALM
  • Stress Ease Blend

    Can’t manage your mojo? Let Stress Ease bring you back into alignment as it helps you release worry, restore confidence in moving forward, and rebalance your ability to beat the most stressful of situations.
  • Spend Less Blend

    “Binge buying” or impulse spending can be an issue when we aren’t feeling grounded. Spend Less was created to help you pause before making unnecessary purchases, keep you focused on your budget, and realign your thoughts to get you back on track.
    • PAUSE
    • FOCUS
    • ALIGN
  • Speak Ease Blend

    Speaking your truth is an acquired skill. This blend, Speak Ease, helps you breathe your way through difficult interactions, center yourself to use your voice and express your words in a confident and clear way.
    • CENTER
  • Soulfully Sanitized is an all-natural germ fighter designed to assist in protecting against the invasion of various unwanted wee-beasties. This spray can be used as either a hand sanitizer or as a room and surface spray since it is made with 100% pure aloe juice and FDA approved 80% alcohol.
    • PURIFY
  • Soulful Slumber Blend

    Is sleep your enemy? Would you like to experience deeper, more soulful slumber? Because nearly everyone struggles with getting enough rest at some point in life, I’ve created this unique blend of relaxing and restorative oils that also allow you to release unwanted thoughts and worries so you can rest more deeply and peacefully. It is said that during sleep we are the closest to spirit, so grab your Soulful Slumber and see how sacred your nighttime hours can be.
    • RELAX
  • Soul Soother Blend

    Do you need to soothe your soul? Endless experiences within the human condition leave us feeling frazzled and frayed, both emotionally and physically. This blend was created to help “smooth the rough edges,” while calming and soothing your soul as you learn and grow. Soul Soother is your key to calming any challenge you may face within the human condition.
    • CALM
    • SOOTHE
    Corresponding Bracelet: Blue Lace Agate & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)  
  • Soul Smudge Blend

    Sometimes we need assistance in shedding past issues and unhealthy ties. Let Soul Smudge help you “release.”
    • CLEAR
    • RENEW
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