  • Binge Breaker Blend

    Emotional eating is likely the most common coping mechanism used to deal with stress. Whether eating for comfort, sadness, anxiety, or any other challenge of the human condition, Binge Breaker will help you refocus your thoughts, realign your priorities, and comfort you as you stop to make healthier choices in your overall self-care.
  • Trauma Calm Blend

    Trauma Calm was created to assist in calming strong reactions to events that remind you of past trauma. Our human condition can cause many roadblocks to everyday life, but trauma doesn’t have to hold you back from becoming the person you want to be.
    • CALM
    • SOOTHE
  • Friendship Finder Blend

    Everyone wants to find their soul sisters or brothers, but often feel uncertain where to look. Friendship Finder was designed to help you open to finding others, invite them into your life and connect in a warm and wonderful way.
    • OPEN
    • INVITE
  • Love Magnet Blend

    Souls come together at just the right time and place, but Love Magnet can help you open to finding a mate who matches your current path.
  • Mended Heart Blend

    There is nothing worse than a broken heart and sometimes we need extra support to help us mend. Mended Heart is a soothing blend is designed to help you heal and restore yourself to allow love back into life.
    • SOOTHE
    • HEAL
  • Lonely Lift Blend

    Humans are meant to be with other humans, but at times we may find ourselves on our own. Lonely Lift was created to comfort and soothe any wounds or sadness while uplifting you as you heal and cope.
    • SOOTHE
    • UPLIFT
  • Confident Companion Blend

    Do need a Confident Companion? This blend helps to ground you, increase focus while interacting with others and assure you when you don’t feel strong.
    • GROUND
    • FOCUS
    • ASSURE
  • Speak Ease Blend

    Speaking your truth is an acquired skill. This blend, Speak Ease, helps you breathe your way through difficult interactions, center yourself to use your voice and express your words in a confident and clear way.
    • CENTER
  • Boundary Boost Blend

    Drawing a line in the sand can be tough. Boundary Boost includes several oils to help you pause to think things through, ground you as you prepare to speak, and assert yourself when ready.
    • PAUSE
    • GROUND
    • ASSERT
  • Drama Stopper Blend

    Drama Stopper helps you feel calm, cool, and collected when unnecessary emotions are running high and reactions running amok.
    • CALM
    • COOL
  • Grudge Buster Blend

    Forgive and forget is easier said than done. Grudge Buster is a soothing blend that assists in resolving unfinished business so you can release resentment and move on.
  • Change Ease Blend

    Change is part of all aspects of life, but how do we make it easier? Change Ease, helps you release blocks to moving forward, soothe the difficulty that comes with transition.
    • SOOTHE
  • Sharp Focus Blend

    The ability to focus on the task at hand is essential to Intellectual and Occupational health. Sharp Focus has been specifically blended to help you center, concentrate and align your mind to move forward with clarity.
    • CENTER
    • ALIGN
  • Passion Pursuit Blend

    Finding your passion is usually at the top of people’s to-do lists. Passion Pursuit was designed to facilitate the process of aligning to your higher purpose.
    • SEARCH
  • Memory Magic Blend

    Are you drawing a mental blank? Boost your ability to reflect in the moment, refocus your thoughts and restore your concentration with Memory Magic.
  • Bug Zen Blend

    The only thing worse than pesky bugs is the worry about using unnecessary chemicals to chase them away. Get your “zen” back with Bug Zen, this 100% natural insect repellent so you can spend time outdoors in peace.
    • REPEL
    • RELAX
  • Soulfully Sanitized is an all-natural germ fighter designed to assist in protecting against the invasion of various unwanted wee-beasties. This spray can be used as either a hand sanitizer or as a room and surface spray since it is made with 100% pure aloe juice and FDA approved 80% alcohol.
    • PURIFY
  • Do your neck and shoulders need a mid-day massage? Are headaches a common issue? Years ago, I discovered the magic of a few key oils that help to reduce muscle tension and pain with only a few small drops. The Muscle Magic blend knocks out tension before it knocks you out of your daytime routine, allowing you to go on with your life regardless of the stress and tension that comes with the human condition. This oil can be applied directly to your neck and shoulders—or any other tension-based muscle so it can do its magic in releasing unwanted stress. This blend will cool your muscles, help you release tension, and get you back to a more relaxed you.
    • COOL
    • RELAX
  • Energ-Ease Blend

    Everyone needs a little energy boost at times and Energ-Ease offers the gentle lift you need to get you through the day.
    • BOOST
    • UPLIFT
  • Monthly Magic Blend

    No woman enjoys the monthly blow that nature deals us, but there are ways to feel more balanced, soothed, and elevated. Blended in Monthly Magic are several oils known to ease both physical and emotional symptoms.
    • SOOTHE
  • Soulful Slumber Blend

    Is sleep your enemy? Would you like to experience deeper, more soulful slumber? Because nearly everyone struggles with getting enough rest at some point in life, I’ve created this unique blend of relaxing and restorative oils that also allow you to release unwanted thoughts and worries so you can rest more deeply and peacefully. It is said that during sleep we are the closest to spirit, so grab your Soulful Slumber and see how sacred your nighttime hours can be.
    • RELAX
  • Tension Tamer Blend

    Tension Tamer assists in calming, composing, and rebalancing a space to help decrease and resolve discord.
    • CALM
  • Zen Den Blend

    Would you like a more relaxed and calm environment?
    • QUIET
    • UNWIND
  • Sacred Space Blend

    Sacred Space helps you to create an environment that feels centered, grounded, and blessed.
    • CENTER
    • GROUND
    • BLESS
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