  • Leisure Easer Blend

    Have a hard time enjoying fun and leisure? Recreational health requires us to let our guard down enough to restore. Leisure Easer helps you to release stress, regroup and relax so you can create more balance in your life.
    • RELAX
  • Joy Juice Blend

    Recreational health is all about your ability to experience joy. Joy Juice was created to help you learn to welcome delight and pleasure into your life.
    • CHEER
    • ELATE
  • Vacay Every Day Blend

    While you can’t experience a vacation every day, you can experience a daily mental escape with this blend. Vacay Every Day allows you to let your mind run away, while you realign and renew your life despite staying at home.
    • ESCAPE
    • RENEW
  • Soul Smudge Blend

    Sometimes we need assistance in shedding past issues and unhealthy ties. Let Soul Smudge help you “release.”
    • CLEAR
    • RENEW
  • Rumors of Romance Blend

    Want more romance in your life? Want to attract a mate? Rumors of Romance was created to help bring more romance into your life by “wooing”, enticing, and enchanting a beloved other.
    • WOO
    • ENTICE
  • Libido Lift Blend

    Many things affect a person’s interest in sexual activity. Libido Lift enhances interest, increases involvement, and promotes emotional excitement so you can experience a richer intimate life.
    • EXCITE
  • Spend Less Blend

    “Binge buying” or impulse spending can be an issue when we aren’t feeling grounded. Spend Less was created to help you pause before making unnecessary purchases, keep you focused on your budget, and realign your thoughts to get you back on track.
    • PAUSE
    • FOCUS
    • ALIGN
  • Prosperity Promoter Blend

    Prosperity Promoter helps you envision the wealth you would like in your life, create a plan to receive it, and claim what you deserve.
    • CREATE
    • CLAIM
  • Financial Fears Blend

    Fear of money comes in all shapes and forms, whether worried about not having enough or not knowing what to do with what you would consider being too much. The Financial Fears blend promotes comfort and helps you to feel grounded while you release unwanted thoughts.
    • GROUND
  • Tension Tamer Blend

    Tension Tamer assists in calming, composing, and rebalancing a space to help decrease and resolve discord.
    • CALM
  • Zen Den Blend

    Would you like a more relaxed and calm environment?
    • QUIET
    • UNWIND
  • Harmonious Home Blend

    Home sweet home is only sweet and homey when it is calm and balanced.
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