  • Karma Klear Blend

    Do you need to shed your “karmic residue”—release old patterns, beliefs, behaviors, and energies? If so, this blend will help you say goodbye to whatever no longer serves you, renew your outlook and energy, and restore your soul for optimal living. To evolve into something new, we must evolve beyond that which no longer serves us. Our evolution requires us to “make room” for what we want to create and invite into our lives, and Karma Klear will clear the way for our infinite growth.
    • RENEW
    Corresponding Bracelet: Black Tourmaline & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)
  • Love My Soul Blend

    The key to evolving beyond the challenges of the human condition is to learn to love ourselves enough to do it. Whether you struggle with negative self-talk, low self-esteem, poor body image, or any other “human” challenge, you likely need some assistance in learning to love the most important part of you—your soul. Love My Soul will help you ease and facilitate your evolution by learning to love yourself and your innermost ally!
    • ACCEPT
    Corresponding Bracelet: Rose Quartz & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)
  • Awake My Soul Blend

    Are you ready to awaken to your endless wisdom and get to know your innermost ally? Awake My Soul will help to center yourself, stimulate your senses, and energize body, mind, and soul. As you awaken your senses with Awake My Soul, you also awaken your inner wisdom.
    • CENTER
    Corresponding Bracelet: Prehnite & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)  
  • Manifesting Magic Blend

    Would you like help in envisioning your optimal life, opening to infinite opportunities, and receiving all that is rightfully yours? Manifesting Magic was developed to help you more easily envision the next steps of your evolution while opening your mind and soul to receive the many gifts that life has to offer. The “magic” of the blend is that it assists you in accessing your inner wisdom to create an amazing and fulfilling life. Manifesting Magic is a perfect ally when starting new projects, envisioning the next steps of your evolution, and learning that you are worthy to receive your deepest desires.
    • OPEN
    Corresponding Bracelet: Citrine & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)  
  • Radiance Blend

    Our ability to find our truth and keep it is one of the biggest challenges of the human condition since so much exists to misalign us from our sacred path. Radiance was created to assist you in discovering the essence of who you are while providing you with the support to allow your true self to fully shine! Radiance aligns you with your inner ally through its energizing and activating qualities, while helping your soul shine in all aspects of life. Soul health requires us to know ourselves at the deepest level while allowing ourselves to align our lives for our highest good. This oil assists you in that evolutionary process.
    • SHINE
    Corresponding Bracelet: Sunstone & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)
  • Divine Wisdom Blend

    Our path to evolution requires us to connect with both our inner ally and the wisdom provided by source. Divine Wisdom heightens your awareness, instills insight, and promotes your ultimate evolution by assisting you in accessing the sacred knowledge necessary to create your most optimal life. As you align your soul with inspiring information, our evolutionary path is paved with golden light. If you seek your ultimate truth, purpose, and path, Divine Wisdom may be the tool you need to align your life for radiant living.
    • TRUTH
    Corresponding Bracelet: Sodalite & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)
  • Ascension Blend

    Do you want to sharpen your intuition? Feel more connected with source? Access and embrace sacred truth? The Ascension blend helps you reach new heights in your spiritual and soul development. This oil was designed to “tune” your inner ally into source energy while opening your awareness to all dimensions of sacred truth. Meditating with this blend will enhance your connection with both soul and source as your awareness ascends the path to evolution.
    Corresponding Bracelet: Amethyst & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)
  • Empath’s Armor Blend

    Are you a “sensitive soul” who feels exhausted and overwhelmed by other people’s energy? Do you absorb their stress and despair? If so, you’re not alone. Empath’s Armor was created to shield and protect you from energetic residue that attaches after spending time in the presence of others. This protective blend is helpful for those who work and live among those who rely on you to carry their karmic baggage. Unwanted “soul static” can bog you down and misalign your path to evolution, but this oil frees you and realigns your life for optimal living. Empath’s Armor allows you to release undesirable energy and surround yourself with your own radiant light.
    • SHIELD
    Corresponding Bracelet: Obsidian & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)
  • Dharma Dew Blend

    Are you struggling to find your purpose in life? Dharma Dew is specially formulated to help you increase insight, identify and define your life’s mission, and find your divine truth so you can serve the world in the way that best suits your soul. Oils in this blend also help you to overcome any blocks to moving forward in your sacred path.
    • TRUTH
    Corresponding Bracelet: Rhodonite & Lava Beads (Click to View) Ascension Evolution Line Sets (Click to View)
  • Presence Yoga Focus Blend

    A very grounding and focusing blend, Presence, helps you center your breath, increase focus and intentionality, and turn inward to reflect.
    • FOCUS
  • Open Yoga Focus Blend

    To be open means to be receptive to what the world around us has to offer. We must expand our awareness, allow wisdom to be revealed, and receive the gift of knowledge, wisdom, and experience that is being presented to us.
    • EXPAND
    • REVEAL
    • RELAX
  • Grounded Yoga Focus Blend

    Feeling grounded is center of a mindful practice. It is also essential for our soul’s evolution. This blend helps you to become more centered, grounded, balanced, and aligned through specifically chosen essential oils.
    • CENTER
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